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2021 is here. Today is the beginning of the first week of the new year. I believe in setting goals and having a clear image of where you want to be in your life. I think new years gives us such a great opportunity to do this.

On Friday, January 1, Alicia and I spent six hours working on our family goals for the new year. We dreamed and we connected on all of the important areas of our life. It was awesome.

2020 was a crazy year. For me personally it was a big year of growth. In my faith, my business and in my family.

I feel that it forced me to assess and evaluate myself in areas which I probably had not assessed as intensely ever before. This led to facing new challenges honestly and that led to growth.

I feel the same applies to your health and fitness goals. Before you set goals you need to be gut level honest and ask yourself the tough questions.

How healthy am I really? How bad have I let it get? How long have I neglected myself for?

This is not intended to make you spiral into a negative mindset which is easy to do when you think about these things. These questions along with your honest response is intended to ignite change and growth within you.

When I meet with a new client I always put them on the InBody machine to get accurate data of where they are. This will tell me the following information…

The InBody machine is not emotional. It does not have feelings. It gives you the truth and nothing but the truth.

If you would like to come in and get a FREE InBody scan ($45 value) to start the new year click here and schedule a time to come in. It takes less than 5 minutes.

Don’t let this be just another new years for you. Let this be the year you actually follow through with your goals and make some major changes in your life.


P.S. January is here and I want to invite you to join our 6 week challenge. You can start this week or next week. SPOTS ARE LIMITED

If you would like to hear more about our 6 week challenge click here and book a 15 minute call with me. I want to make sure you are a good fit for the program before signing you up.


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