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Meet Jacob – he is 28 years old and is from Belton, Tx, AND…. is our newest coach here at Boomfit! He started playing the violin when he was just a young boy and says it has had a great influence throughout his entire life. He was heavily devoted to being a great instrumentalist, meaning he was putting in 3-4 hours a day of practice, and several other hours of looking at sheet music, researching famous and well known musicians and other things that revolved around the violin. He still plays now, and uses it as a form of worship for his personal spiritual life. Jacob also shares some of the people in his life that have had the greatest impact on his spiritual journey.

To get him out of the house for a few hours, his parents introduced him to the sport of golf. He wasn’t particularly interested in it, but he WAS competitive, and that meant that he strived to be the best he could be.

Jacob’s fitness journey really started though when he was in college and was paired with a suite mate, Mark, who was fit and extremely health-conscious. Mark helped turned things around for Jacob, who had been suffering from frequent illnesses and insomnia.

There is SO much more that Jacob shares about his life —but you’ll have to listen in to hear the rest. This is definitely one you won’t want to miss out on!

Listen to Jacob

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