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We took a road trip to North Carolina a couple of weeks ago for spring break to visit Alicia’s sister, Christi, and her sweet family. The drive took two days and about 20-22 hours total time in the car each way.

I remember several road trips as a kid and this was our longest road trip as a family. Fortunately the route provided two places our family loves along the way: Bucee’s and Chick-fil-A. There was no shortage of these on our path.

Looking back on the drive I am pretty sure we had Chick-fil-A for lunch each day we drove and Bucee’s for dinner. Oddly enough Bucee’s was more expensive 🙂 if you know then you know you’re not going to walk out of there without more than you need especially with four kids and a full day of driving behind and ahead of you.

Since you are a person likely interested in nutrition and fitness tips I want to share some pertinent information with you and a major takeaway that has transpired in the past couple of days.

At these two places I ate the following:
-At Chick-fil-A I ordered a 12 pack grilled nuggets and a Spicy Southwest Salad
-At Bucee’s I ate a 1/4 pound of brisket

This doesn’t include everything I snacked on just what I ordered at these two spots. I would also eat some of Ames’ leftover nuggets and fries at Chick-fil-A. Those nuggets and waffle fries taste amazing.

Ok fast forward two weeks which brings us to now. Since returning from North Carolina I have ordered a continuous glucose monitor. This has peaked my interest for a while. I love learning and thought it would be interesting to see how my glucose levels are affected by the foods I eat. If you are unfamiliar with these types of monitors you can learn more about the one I purchased here.

I have been wearing my monitor for five days and am learned about the response my body has on everything I eat and drink. But let me tell you something very interesting.

I decided to eat Chick-fil-A while wearing this monitor and not order grilled nuggets and a salad. I ordered the 12 count nugget meal which includes large waffle fries and a large diet lemonade. I used three ketchup packets and it was delicious. If you know then you know 🙂

Well, this meal has given me my highest glucose reading to date measuring 175 mg/dL. This was fascinating to me. I couldn’t believe how high it spiked. Since wearing the monitor I have eaten flour tortillas, corn tortillas, baked potatoes and sweet potatoes. None of these have given me this high of a reading.

This is not an attempt to put Chick-fil-A out of business. I love Chick-fil-A and my kids especially love Chick-fil-A. This is simply an attempt to help educate you and encourage you to do some self research. Learn about your body and what works for you. Health and fitness is a life long journey and no one is like you. So make the effort to get to know yourself and what works for you.

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