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My wife, Alicia, and I have led a couples small group for over a decade. We have worked through several books on marriage with other couples and grown tremendously in our relationship through this group of friends. The book we are currently reading is called The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller.

Although the entire book is on marriage I recently read in chapter four something about living healthy that stood out to me. I want to share it with you today. It is on page 143 and I will quote it here:

“In Ephesians 5:28, Paul introduces another metaphor. He says that a husband ought to love his wife as he does his own body. Paul is referring to the fact that your health is foundational to everything else you do. What if you decide that making a lot of money will make you happy, so you put your work ahead of your health? You work enormously long hours so that you get no exercise or sleep, you eat very poorly, and you put yourself under a lot of stress. Yes, you are making a lot of money, but the heart attack you bring on will make it impossible to enjoy your wealth. In other words, if you think you can put your “happiness” ahead of your health, you actually won’t be happy at all. Good health, then, is more fundamental to happiness than great wealth, as most rich people will tell you when their health has broken down.”

In my almost twenty years of personal training I see this happen time and time again. In pursuit of career success health falls off to the way side. Only to leave the individual with a serious challenge ahead.

Is it possible to have both? Absolutely but this will not happen on its own.

I have seen great examples of this as well with several of my clients. They are very focused on their careers while at the same time scheduling fitness into their week. They have made health a priority in their life.

Are you making it a priority? Or are you climbing the ladder of wealth while neglecting your health entirely? My hope is that this message wakes you up. It is much easier to start now than five or ten years from now.

If you’re like many of my clients then you need me in your life to remind you of how important being healthy is. You need structure and accountability. This is what a trainer can provider for you. A trainer is a guide towards a healthier life that keeps you on track.

Let me know if you need help. I’m ready but you have to be the one to contact me.

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