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LIVE your life

LIVE your life

Often times in life you wonder why you have to do certain things. I remember thinking this in school all the time. Why do we have to read these books or learn this thing? I would ask that question because I thought I would either never use it one day. The real reason...

Fit-ness = Fit-Lifestyle

Fit-ness = Fit-Lifestyle

This is the second email of a series focused on the why behind fitness and nutrition. If you missed last weeks email click here to read it. Today I want to explain various health markers you track to better understand your personal health. In each area I will start...

Is Working Out Necessary?

Is Working Out Necessary?

This is the first email on a new series focused on the WHY of exercise. Last week I was asked a question by a client about why we do a specific type of exercise. It prompted me to explain that the exercises we do in the gym are designed to enable people to express...

I gained 5 lbs in a day!

I gained 5 lbs in a day!

Well...seems like Thanksgiving got the best of me. Homemade chocolate chip cookies with vanilla blue bell took me down 🙂 or actually took me up on the scale. Somewhere in the past year I started weighing myself each morning. Prior to this I never would weigh myself....

Infinite Game

Infinite Game

This is the third and final email on my series about understanding the time factor in a fitness journey. If you missed the first email click here to read it and the second email can be found here. The three emails give you the full scope of this idea how time plays...

When diet and exercise don’t work…

When diet and exercise don’t work…

I saw an infomercial the other day for a weight loss solution targeting the frustrated people who, “fail to see results from diet and exercise.” Had to scratch my head on that one. When does diet and exercise fail? This, of course, is a trick question. Diet and...

Lose 50 Pounds

Lose 50 Pounds

I kicked off a new email series last week about understanding the time factor in a fitness journey. If you missed the first email or didn't get a chance to read it click here to get caught up. Losing weight takes time. Here's a road map on the a timeline for weight...



Weight loss is a journey that requires not only the right program but also the right perspective on time. It's common to wonder how long it will take to see results and get discouraged when they don't come as quickly as expected. In this email series, we'll explore...

Easy way to lose weight…

Easy way to lose weight…

What’s the big secret that they know about losing fat, getting lean, and looking amazing? The answer is as simple as it is difficult: Avoid Sugar. While you do your best to eat healthy, do you know how much sugar you are actually consuming everyday? The answer will...

HOW TO: Burn Fat

HOW TO: Burn Fat

This is the final email recapping my Ironman. If you missed the second email click here. You can also read the first email by clicking here. The three emails flow together so it is good to read all of them so you understand the big picture of the message. This email...

My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

This is the second email of three recapping my recent Ironman and lessons I learned. If you didn’t read the first email you can click here to see it. As I mentioned in my previous email the 26.2 mile run is the most challenging part of the Ironman. By the time you get...

Mondays are the most important…

Mondays are the most important…

Mondays matter more than any other day of the week. This is because your actions on Monday set the tone for your entire week. Start out on the wrong foot and it could take days to get back on track. Mondays are like mornings. If you win your mornings, you're usually...

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