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There is nothing more frustrating than trying really hard to do something the right way and not getting the results you think you should.

Most people are blind to their mistakes when it comes to nutrition. They think they are doing things the right way but in fact they do not see 100% of the actual story that is happening.

When I ask someone who is struggling to tell me how they eat 9 out of 10 times they describe to me an “ideal day” in their minds. This is not even close to how they actually eat. They forget to mention that this is in fact how they “hope” to eat and not how they “actually” eat.

We do not want to admit to our faults…it’s human nature. So we protect our pride by hiding our flaws. We do not want to admit that we are not where we want to be because of our behaviors and unhealthy habits.

This leads us to wanting to blame our inability to lose weight on factors outside of the root issue which is us. Plain and simple.

If you really want to get to the root issue as to why you are struggling in your weight loss my recommendation would be to get gut level honest with yourself and write down all of the bad habits you have. Circle the top 3 reasons from the list that you think are the main reasons you are not losing weight. Then attack them one by one.

The key to unlocking your potential here is within you. But it requires you admitting that it is your own fault and no one else’s. I know this isn’t easy but it really is powerful.

If you need help identifying where you are struggling book a call with me. I have heard it all and I can help you see why some of the things you think you are doing right may in fact be the reason you are stuck.

I love these types of conversations. Once you get through this step you will breakthrough to new horizons in your fitness journey. I want to help you.



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